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WDM Agency | Performance Marketing For E-commerce

01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners


Leaving your marketing budget to the wrong agency is dangerous. If you’ve been burned by a typical high promise sales strategy backed up by poor delivery - don’t give up yet on taking the agency route. Here is what to watch out for when deciding on a partner agency: ❌ Cookie-cutter approach ❌ Vanity metrics ✅ Know who is working on your account ✅ Start with understanding the audience ✅ Testing process & making good decisions ✅ Understanding of eCommerce niches ✅ Transparency on the account ✅ Educating you as a business owner/marketer Speak to us for a refreshing experience working with “agencies” One line case studies: 📈 Health/Beauty Retailer - 53% CPA reduction and 385% increase in revenue from Google Shopping ($357K/month to 921K/month pre COVID19, $2.1M/month during COVID19) 📈 Travel product - 5X rate of business growth with 75% Increase in YoY Conversion Rate (From 3.9% to 7%), 486% increase in online revenue ($420K/m) - Performance Marketing & CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) 📈 Startup Fashion Bran


Office Australia

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North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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