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The Million Group

Wilmington, Delaware
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners


We find creative solutions, tell stories, build relationships and craft ideas. We transform brands and sometimes even transform lives. We get results. And, along the way, we have a lot of fun. We believe in the power of real communication. That great design and thoughtful copy can engage the eye, touch the heart, reach the mind and persuade people to act. It’s the power to make lightning strike and to make limits well, limitless. We’re designers and writers, dreamers and doers. Optimists and idealists. No egos or attitude- just talented people, a passion for the business and the drive to do something that matters. Something that will, move people to action, change attitudes, and maybe even change the world. Just ask our clients and they’ll vouch for our insane work ethic, our track record of results and our ability to never take ourselves too seriously. We don’t have the largest stable of creative minds – just the best ones. We’re small enough to be able to move quickly, act strategically and stay one step ah



Head office


Wilmington, Delaware


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