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Faircom New York
New York, NY
01 Jan 1993
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Faircom New York, awarded as the Best Full Service Fundraising Agency in New York in 2015 and 2016 by Wealth and Finance International, is an international fundraising and marketing agency that works with nonprofit organizations of varying breadth, depth, mission and size. With over 20 years of experience in fundraising and marketing, Faircom New York is committed to helping charitable organizations extend their reach through an integrated and innovative approach. While most firms work with nonprofits in just one area of fundraising, Faircom New York is equipped to work with organizations through all channels. Our in-house integration enables us to grow with your program as priorities and strategies evolve and seamlessly address multiple avenues for engagement, making Faircom New York unique amongst other agencies in that we are a “one-stop shop” for fundraising. Our unique team encompasses professionals fluent in various languages including English, French, Italian, Mandarin and Spanish. Our services include
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