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Procept Marketing
Lafayette, LA
01 Jan 2017
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We love marketing brands. We hate selling ourselves. So here’s 6 fast facts about Procept Marketing: 1. We are Louisiana’s first Black-owned app development company specializing in progressive web applications. Sounds cool huh? Progressive web applications (PWAs) are hybrids of regular websites and mobile apps. PWAs offer some fantastic features: the responsive, safe, and streamlined user experience makes them the future of web development. While they look and behave like native apps, they don’t require you to visit an app store. 2. Growing up, every single one of us wanted to own a business. Little did we know, it was the science behind business success that we were fascinated with. We love the process of thinking creatively to create strategies that help unlock growth. 3. We all have to work, so why shouldn’t your website work for you? Our custom backend administration platforms can save you time and money. It will allow you to control every aspect of your site, all from one place, and most important, you w
Head office
Lafayette, LARecognitions
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