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Zonic Digital
Milpitas, CA
01 Jan 2012
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Zonic Digital Inc. is being managed by a dedicated team of Information Technology professionals with work experience domestic as well as International companies. The entire Zonic Digital Inc. team comprises of dynamic and dedicated professionals who are extremely focused to grow the company as a global player in the field. The team also consists of IT engineers and Web Designers to provide personal services to our valued customers and to meet the increasing demand in the domestic as well as international markets. Our approach begins with learning about your business and goals. Zonic Digital Inc. don't just study your company; we dig deep and learn about your industry and competitive marketplace. With headquarters based in California, USA the heart of Silicon Valley, we can help you reduce your costs by being single source for your Business Digital Marketing requirements.
Head office
Milpitas, CARecognitions
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Above average
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