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Full Spectrum Marketing
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
FSM is a marketing communications company with an audience-first approach, strategic focus, and both digital and traditional tactical expertise. Whether we are helping a small business, a school district, or a publicly traded global company, we follow the fundamentals of a simple marketing truth – go where the people are. Sometimes “the people” are consuming information through traditional mediums like newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV. They are also mobile and almost always online. If you want to reach and activate your audience, you have to meet them where they are – which just so happens to be our specialty. Full Spectrum Marketing focuses on your audience while blending the core principles of advertising – reach and frequency – to build a comprehensive integrated marketing and communications plan for you, complete with execution and measurement. Whether you need a full marketing plan, a website, search marketing... or just some help building and reaching your audience, we are ready to help you.
Office United States
Head office
Akron, Oh, United StatesRecognitions
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Profile score:
Above average
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