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01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Since 2009, we've partnered with startups and enterprises around the world to launch 350+ next-generation apps. Our mission is to guide each company and entrepreneur that approaches us towards the right game plan for their venture's long-term success. Experts in digital product design, development and strategy, we offer set-rate pricing with dedicated project management to form a partnership businesses can rely on. Over the last decade, Chop Dawg's passionate, remote-first US team has partnered with major brands like Siemens, Mister Softee, Wawa, LA Gear, Six Flags Great Adventure, Choice Home Warranty and countless startups to craft immersive digital experiences that put the end user first, and transform their business. Let's Make It App’n!® Why Partner With Us? We operate in full transparency. Detailed project roadmaps and deliverable schedules, with quick response times. Regularly scheduled meetings to help keep you in the loop on your app's progress. All US-based project managers, developers, designers, a
Office United States
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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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