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Un Common Logic
Austin, TX
01 Jan 2008
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We're not your typical digital marketing agency. (un)Common Logic is a digital marketing agency located in Austin, Texas with clients on almost every continent. Our talented team of experts relentlessly pursue excellence in marketing performance and high-touch customer service. We solve the hard problems in digital marketing by using data to (un)cover surprising details, then using human intelligence to leverage that information for (un)common results. We are a Google Premier Partner (top 2% of all agencies), a Facebook Partner Agency, and have been included on the Austin-American Statesman's Top Workplaces list eight times. We've always been uncommon ... ...but we haven't always been (un)Common Logic. For the first 10 years of our existence, we were known as 360Partners. But over those 10 years, our clients and partners told us that our previous name didn’t fully capture what set us apart: - The tireless pursuit of excellence - A meticulous approach to understanding data - Authentic client service based on t
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