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Wilks Communications Group
01 Jan 1995
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Wilks Communications Group is an award-winning public relations agency delivering informed strategy and bottom-line impact for clients around the globe since 1995. WCG senior staff specialize in the food, consumer products, publishing, nonprofit and corporate sectors. Client campaigns encompass strategy & message development; traditional & social media engagement; digital marketing & influencer campaigns; investor, employee & crisis communications; events & trade shows. Three things you should know about WCG: 1. We speak your language. We come from the front lines of business, serving Fortune 100 corporations, nonprofits and consultancies, where “results and ROI” are the vocabulary of success. 2. We’re wildly devoted to our clients. And they’re fiercely loyal in return. We’re celebrating our 20th anniversary with Pearson Publishing and World Vision and nearly a decade with Nielsen-Massey Vanillas. 3. We set goals and map the road together with you. Then we assemble a winning WCG team that gives you access to
Head office
Chicago, ILLINOISServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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Above average
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