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Arkotech Corporation
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
ARKOTECH Arkotech Corporation is a full-service digital agency that specializes in capturing the vision of our clients and creating tangible results. Combining our talents and experience enables us to create cutting-edge solutions for our clients by connecting with ideas on a deeper level and developing effective, achievable plans. Our clients gain access to some of the most innovative and enthusiastic minds in the industry who work relentlessly to create unmatched value. # Skills: - creating architecture for web project using React stack for highly scalable project - optimized developer teams workflows increasing productivity by implementing git flow, with npm publish system, pull request code review, continues integration (Circle CI) - organized Technical Workshops for developers explaining new technologies, software engineering concepts and developer's best-practices for companies - providing technical expertise and quality assurance - helping leading project and choosing right technologies to different pr
Office United States
Head office
Costa Mesa, California, United StatesRecognitions
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Above average
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