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Eli Rose
Memphis, TN
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Eli Rose Social Media, LLC offers social media and digital marketing services aimed at helping small businesses grow and thrive in the social & online marketplace. Our specialities include: social media training and management, social media marketing strategy, Facebook ads, SEO, WordPress design & customization, website assessment & blogging. Our focus is to guide you through developing both short and long term marketing strategies and social media goals for your business. Our menu of services: - Social media strategy, engagement & best practices training - Integrating your social media and blogging efforts with your larger marketing or business plan - Online branding & cross-promotional marketing - Site-wide SEO tagging - Social media & SEO training - Website design & Wordpress set-up -Website assessment -Recommendations for a new site, including platform, layout, features and overall design -Evaluation of current SEO and implementation of new SEO strategies -Competitive analysis -On-going consulting -Social
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