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RES PUBLICA Consulting Group
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Headquartered in Montreal, RES PUBLICA Consulting Group is a holding and management company of leading professional services firms offering a wide array of communications services to a full range of businesses. RES PUBLICA’s business administration and management services for public relations firms include consultation with respect to mergers and acquisitions, human resources management and public relations consulting. RES PUBLICA owns AVENIR GLOBAL, one of the top 25 communication firms in the world. In Canada, AVENIR GLOBAL owns NATIONAL Public Relations, the country’s leading public relations firm, servicing clients across a wide range of sectors, which includes NATIONAL Capital Markets, the industry’s foremost investor relations and financial services practice. In the United States, AVENIR GLOBAL owns SHIFT Communications, a data-driven integrated communication agency; and the public relations and communication company Padilla, which includes the brand consultancy Joe Smith, the food and nutrition experts
Office Canada
Head office
Montréal, QC, CanadaServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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