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Miramar International Group, Inc.
Riverside, Illinois
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Miramar Group is an International Public Relations firm with offices in Chicago and Mexico City. The Miramar Group helps corporations, non-profits, government agencies and political candidates reach their strategic goals. We work with our clients to help them reach more customers, build their businesses, enhance their missions and serve their communities. While we specialize in introducing our clients to the Latino and immigrant communities, the principals of the Miramar Group have varied and long-standing relationships with corporate executives, government officials and non-profit leaders throughout Chicago, Miami and Latin America with an emphasis on Mexico. We believe in working collaboratively with our clients, understanding their specific needs and working creatively to make sure they reach their goals. The leadership of the Miramar Group has decades of experience in high-level leadership positions in government, business and civic organizations. Our years of experience and relationship building make
Head office
Riverside, IllinoisServices
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