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Brentwood, TN
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Therapeutic Neuromodulation Systems, LLC, a US-based sales & marketing organization, announces the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted 510(k) clearance for the Morph Device, a percutaneous nerve field stimulatory system (PNFS) with an indication for use as an aid in the reduction of withdrawal symptoms associated with detoxification. As a purpose-driven company and innovator in wearable device technology, our goal is to increase treatment participation by removing the FEAR and PAIN associated with opiate withdrawal. Bryant George, MD: “The Morph Device is effective for treating the acute pain occurring from opioid withdrawal. It is not a cure for addiction. Evidence of its method of action can be found in addiction medicine textbooks. The electrical stimulation enhances the release of neuropeptides, primarily beta-endorphin and enkephalins in the central nervous system. These neuropeptides then bind to the vacant mu and delta receptors thereby alleviating the symptoms of physical withdrawal. The
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