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Clear Public Relations
London, London
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
A CLEAR CHOICE To choose Clear Public Relations is to select a consultancy that believes in exercising old-fashioned PR discipline – even when it’s executed across the latest media platforms. This includes using market insights, understanding what motivates purchase and fitting these drivers to the strategic brand or corporate requirements. Of course, contacts are important, but content is key. The right information at the right time presented in the right way will always win out. A CLEAR BENEFIT CPR is committed to understanding its clients and their markets and then working on the best way to communicate that knowledge across the relevant target audiences. Journalists often comment about the quality of the Clear PR team’s industry knowledge. Clients appreciate insights that are based on both specialist sector knowledge and experience gained from working with diverse business types and in various market conditions. Whether it is on projects or on full programmes, CPR delivers value and provides measurable im
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