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The Workhouse
Toronto, Ontario
01 Jan 2004
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
The Workhouse is a sum of specialized individuals, working together to achieve communication solutions that offer a symbiosis of strategy and design. Ingenuity and creativity foster compelling and thoughtful executions. Adapting and ever-evolving with the changing professional landscape to achieve design excellence; the team is strengthened by their attention to detail and collaborative approach. This fusion of expertise and carefully tailored solutions is a unique and signature experience offered at The Workhouse. Stewarding a large variety of powerful and global brands, our portfolio highlights include branding, design and communication assignments for a diverse landscape of clientele. Our creative expertise ranges from the hospitality and tourism industry, to colleges and education, as well as the arts and culture arenas. A thoughtful and tailored approach allows us to address the diverse needs and expectations of our clients.
Head office
Toronto, OntarioRecognitions
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Profile score:
Above average
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