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Duro Compagnie
Beaverton, Oregon
01 Jan 2001
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are Duro compagnie, a design-driven boutique that specializes in transforming complex information into exciting and entertaining videos or visual design that are easy to understand and remember. We in essence are your brand's advocate and are capable of crafting a product that is successful both commercially and culturally while sustaining a sense of artistic integrity. We offer design solutions to corporations and small businesses primarily in technology, consumer products, nonprofit organizations, B2B, and B2C. Our core offerings range from explainer video, product advertising, brand identity to user interface design, and digital content for installation.
Head office
Beaverton, OregonReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Broadcast Video
votes: 0
Movie & Video Production
votes: 0
Video Postproduction Services
votes: 0
Video Production
votes: 0
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