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Philadelphia, PA
01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We are storytellers. Mission: Our mission is to find creative ways of sharing stories about the human condition across various media platforms. Company Overview: We are an award-winning creative studio specializing in cross-platform storytelling. Consisting of a wide range of digital artists from award-winning filmmakers known for their innovative approach, web designers on the cutting edge, graphic artists & photographers that view the world as their playground, and brand specialists who continue to push the envelope in their industry. We have extensive experience collaborating with professional athletes, celebrities, advertising agencies, PR and marketing firms, non-profits, educational institutions, and most importantly....people. Work Featured on: * ESPN * CNBC * PBS * The Washington Post * CBS * NBC * Fox * Yahoo Filmmaking Awards: * Docufest Atlanta Best Documentary * Puerto Rico International Film Festival Best Documentary Feature * New Hope International Film Festival Artistic Spirit Award * New Hope
Head office
Philadelphia, PAReviews
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