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NG Media
København, Denmark
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Video production is our passion. Customer satisfaction is our goal. Since the birth of NG Media in 2011, we have worked hard to make every single production reflect your vision and our professionalism. By adapting ourselves to your needs and possibilities, we get the job done, no matter how crazy or ambitious the initial idea is. We constantly work on improving our skills and developing our production processes, while always being as cost-efficient as possible. This has resulted in a successful partnership between high quality productions and some of the lowest prices on the market.
Head office
København, DenmarkReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Broadcast Video
votes: 0
Movie & Video Production
votes: 0
Video Postproduction Services
votes: 0
Video Production
votes: 0
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Profile score:
Above average
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