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Gas Street Works
Birmingham, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2000
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Gas Street Works are a creative family of video production experts and web development gurus. We create engaging and exciting new and rich media content and have a knack for understanding and developing thinking digital, web and video communications. It’s part of what our clients love about us, and what we love about coming to work every day. Gas Street Works was founded in 2000 with a vision to bring broadcast production values to corporate and online video, a philosophy we are very proud to pioneer. The vision of our founding fathers has evolved with Web 2.0 and we’re now championing ways to make those broadcast-worthy videos utterly simple to access and share across the whole interweb. In the name of enabling such a vision we have a creative pool of web designers and developers who weave web magic to build these seriously clever and instinctively simple programmes to do just that.
Head office
Birmingham, United KingdomReviews
Votes for all services: 0
Broadcast Video
votes: 0
Movie & Video Production
votes: 0
Video Postproduction Services
votes: 0
Video Production
votes: 0
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Above average
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