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Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners


Traditional approaches to customer loyalty and marketing are grounded in a view of the customer as little more than a purchasing agent. In a world of smartphones, mobile internet, and social media, this perspective is outdated. We live in an era of viral dynamics, where the average customer is now one of the most effective conduits of propagating a signal, whether that signal is commercial, political, social, or anything in-between. Enter GoVi. We are modernizing customer loyalty and marketing with a new mobile-platform-based paradigm that empowers enterprise companies to stimulate customer acquisition, retention, and insight via the reach, depth of connection, and experience of their own customers. While traditional marketing is built on some version of “grab a megaphone and tell the world how awesome you are,” GoVi enables businesses to stimulate masses of their own customers to use their own cyber megaphones to tell the world why they love to support the businesses they do. Why does this matter? Because th


Office United States

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Houston, United States


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