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Miskowski Design
Hoboken, NJ
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Design permeates everything we do each and every day. And the genuine focus we bring to our work can help transform your business. Whether you’re just carving out a new place in the world or are ready to command a stronger, more cohesive presence in your category, we’re driven to help you succeed. Established in 2011, Miskowski Design is a creative studio located in Hoboken, New Jersey, led by Founder and Creative Director Justin Miskowski. From global corporations and national ad campaigns to startups and local businesses, we apply the same level of care and expertise to everything we create. Each project drives us forward — and inspires us to do great work. From our perspective, it’s essential to dig deep to understand what your business represents, its differentiating aspects and then how to effectively communicate that. Through research and collaboration, we gain a holistic view of your business. And from that understanding, we work toward strategic creative solutions that are purposeful, distinct and tim
Head office
Hoboken, NJRecognitions
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