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Limetree Consultancy
Newmachar, United Kingdom
01 Jan 2009
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Limetree provides marketing and business consultancy services to SMEs and third sector organisations in the North East of Scotland. We pride ourselves on working hard to help clients get the best possible return from their investment in marketing and we use various tools to support this and provide evidence. We are passionate about marketing and committed to helping clients achieve their goals. As well as developing and implementing marketing strategies, we work with trusted partners to provide design services for businesses, which include web design, app development and media services. We enjoy delivering training courses in marketing and business related subjects for Business Gateway, Aberdeen & Grampian Chamber of Commerce and Donside Consultants. Courses include: Start up Awareness, Business Planning, Marketing, Advertising & Promotion, PR, Communications, Social Media, Negotiating Skills, Ideas Generation, Networking Skills, Finance, Bookkeeping.
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Newmachar, United KingdomServices
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