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iQu Strategies
Denver, CO
01 Jan 2014
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
NOT YOUR ORDINARY STRATEGIC PARTNERS We see public engagement as a process with a goal to generate mutual benefit for our clients and the targeted stakeholders they wish to engage. It addresses issues of common importance. It solves shared problems. It brings about positive social change. At iQu Strategies, we approach public engagement as a fluid, two-way process, involving interaction and listening. We love using our skills in strategic communications, advocacy and engagement, and organizational advancement to help our clients reach their goals. CORE STRENGTH AND MUCH MORE Although we're a relatively new firm, our core team has over 75 years of combined senior-level experience. And we're putting it to use helping our clients engage the public - getting people to take a specific action or adopt an attitude, whether it is generating support or minimizing opposition. Our experience ranges from small nonprofit organizations to large corporations and spans a multitude of sectors including energy, economic develo
Head office
Denver, COServices
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