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01 Jan 2013
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Stryde is a premier eCommerce digital marketing agency. We specialize in building customized, scalable digital marketing campaigns for small to medium-size businesses that are either owned by women or sell products primarily to women. Business owners and marketing managers look to Stryde to help: - Reduce customer acquisition costs on Facebook, Instagram and Google by improving marketing funnels, audience targeting and incorporating compelling copy and creative. - Increase search engine rankings by improving keyword relevance and working with third-party websites & bloggers to get links back to their websites. - Setup and optimize new or existing email automation, while continually testing copy and workflows. Our team provides both strategy and execution in SEO, paid search (Google Ads), paid social media (Facebook & Instagram) and email marketing. Our clients experience tremendous success with digital marketing because we are very different from what you’ll normally find with other agencies: - Our team opera
Office United States
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Lehi, Utah, United StatesRecognitions
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