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Greenville, SC
01 Jan 2010
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Since forming as a marketing communications agency in Greenville SC in 2010, SHIFT has used its expertise in branding, website design, public relations, social media, photography and video production to project both the competence and the unique personality of successful companies. Our mix of talents gives us the in-house firepower to do virtually anything our clients need. Our size allows us to be an affordable resource for today’s lean business. We believe people are the fiber of great organizations. We have a special talent for revealing the humanity, the proficiency and the spirit of innovation that makes you what you are. If we do our job especially well, we create a more emotional connection between your company and your customers, prospects, employees and others vital to your success. This is our calling: To capture your essence, to project your humanness, to reveal your ingenuity and to build a devoted community of believers for your company.
Head office
Greenville, SCServices
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