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HM&E Design Communications
Toronto, ON
01 Jan 1991
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
WHO WE ARE HM&E is a Toronto-based design communications firm founded in 1991 by Paul Haslip and Karen Eensild. The firm is concept driven and works with clients to meet their marketing and communication objectives through the use of design. HM&E takes pride in a proven track record in education, health-care, government and not-for-profit sectors. WHAT OUR CLIENTS CAN EXPECT We start with an informed point of view in order to build a relationship that encourages trust and teamwork. We achieve optimum results through our thoughtful process: we listen, evaluate, plan, explore, design, refine, manage and implement. We seek out creative solutions that communicate clearly and uniquely, and support them with superbly crafted visual execution. We never stop searching for new opportunities to innovate, respond and create in order to improve your product and our service to you. As a result you, our client, benefit from unique resources and products, delivered on time and on budget, that set you apart, engage your audience
Head office
Toronto, ONRecognitions
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Above average
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