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iHealthSpot Interactive
Greenacres, FL
01 Jan 2005
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
iHealthSpot® is America's leader in medical website design and digital marketing. iHealthSpot designs, builds and hosts award-winning medical websites for more than 28 medical specialties, dentistry and physical therapy. iHealthSpot’s medical practice websites come packed with features you won’t find anywhere else including custom web designs, award-winning patient education, tools for secure communication, easy content editing, logo development and extensive search engine optimization. Our websites for doctors get REAL results and we make it easy for medical, dental or physical therapy practices to get a completely custom designed practice website with all the functionality required for secure patient communication and patient education! Our digital marketing strategies make use of different platforms to provide our client with a real and well-rounded online presence. Call us today to learn more about how iHealthSpot can help put your practice at the leading edge of the digital world.
Head office
Greenacres, FLRecognitions
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Profile score:
Above average
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