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Cool Green Media
01 Jan 1999
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES, CLEAN TECHNOLOGY, SUSTAINABILITY & DIGITAL MEDIA. Cool Green Media provides clients with research, writing, public relations and media assistance, and web/mobile digital-media design, with a focus on clean energy, sustainability and education. Writing Cassandra Sweet is a writer, content developer and media expert. She has extensive experience writing about clean technology, sustainability and a wide variety of subjects following a 15-year career as an energy reporter and editor at The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones Newswires and other publications. Web & Mobile Apps Design Development Bob Smolenski is an app & web designer/developer. A creative programmer of educational apps, informative micro-sites, kiosk displays and experimental augmented reality apps.
Office United States
Head office
San Francisco, CA, United StatesServices
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