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BLS Public Relations - Marketing Communications
01 Jan 1997
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
BLS Public Relations (BLSPR) is a strategic public relations and marketing communications consultancy with 20+ years of experience in the journalism, public relations, media relations and marketing fields. With experience in TV, radio, print, online and social media, public relations, promotions, branding and marketing, BLSPR has the knowledge and contacts to maximize client exposure through creative and strategic communications/marketing campaigns. Founded in 1997 by Barry L. Smith, BLSPR has a broad range of client history and its wide network of electronic, print and online media contacts regionally, nationally and internationally helps to facilitate media placements. BLSPR’s service-oriented philosophy includes strategic plan development, constant interaction with client contacts, cultivation of media promotions to enhance advertising dollars, adherence to timetables, timely progress reports, on-site execution and event results/evaluation. BLSPR understands that a client’s total marketing strategy is most
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