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Sydney, NSW
01 Jan 2022
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Joining the #greatresignation movement of 2021/2022 highly sought after communications agency founder, Sally Burleigh, quietly closed the doors of longtime lifestyle communications agency, AgencyB&Co (ex-SBPR), at the end of 2021 after 20+ years in business. A well-known name & face in the marketing, media, lifestyle & entertainment industries for over 20 years, Sally has worked promoting some of the biggest brands, businesses & personalities in hospitality, destination, fashion & beauty, wine, dine & design plus entertainment for over two decades. Going back to her love of personal engagement and one-on-one consulting to work as SBCo, Burleigh says her move recognises significant shifts in her life and industry manifested by the unique time spent to reflect on her future path during the global impacts of COVID-19. "I have always looked to provide communication, brand, profiling & content services to connect my clients to their audiences across all mediums - be it via straight publicity, events, VIP services
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Sydney, NSWServices
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