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cho HighWater Group
Blue Point, NY
01 Jan 1999
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Headquartered in New York, cho HighWater Group is a boutique public relations and digital marketing agency founded in 1999 to service the rapidly growing interactive entertainment industry. Fueled by a strong portfolio of clients and a management team with decades of combined experience, the agency has successfully expanded into all aspects of consumer entertainment including video games, electronics, sports, television, toys and DVDs. From Fortune 500 global conglomerates to small start-ups, HighWater Group has a proven ability to consistently create and execute successful PR and marketing campaigns that accommodate budgets of all sizes. We enjoy a well deserved reputation for excellence in achieving high-profile results while delivering superior client service. This "client-first" approach ensures the quick and seamless integration of a world-class team into your existing infrastructure, and programs that get your message out where it needs to be heard.
Head office
Blue Point, NYServices
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