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The Headliners
Hinsdale, Illinois
01 Jan 2018
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Our new world of communication demands a revolutionary new approach to communication training both in how we speak and how we learn. Please welcome The Headliners. A new way to help people take their communication to the next level. It’s called “amusication” because it combines the proven teaching of Teri Goudie ( with humor and music to create a first of its kind learning experience. The Headliners is designed for large audiences at leadership summits, customer conferences, sales meetings and retreats. Think of it as: TED Talk meets media training meets Saturday Night Live. Our team of experts includes a lawyer, a brand guru and social media strategist. Together we stage the most engaging 90 minutes you could ever imagine. For a taste, watch our sizzle reel on our website linked below. We are taking bookings for the end of 2021 and beyond. Email us at [email protected] with any inquiries. Follow us on social media… Instagram: @theheadlinersllc Twitter: @headliners_the Facebook: The Headlin
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