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DM Baker Media Relations
Santa Barbara, California
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Consultants to numerous established corporations, non-profits, and high-profile individuals. Fund development specialists who raise millions of dollars for non-profits ranging in annual budget size from $100k to $2 billion in areas as diverse as museums, hospitals, universities, and international aid organizations. We are well established as a expert on all things non-profit from organizational structure to fundraising to best practices, we have you covered. Managed many New York Times bestselling authors and led many public relations campaigns for advocacy groups, movie projects, and entertainers. DM Baker are experts in messaging and branding that delivers on complex objectives. We are consumate problem solvers who change public oppinion for our clients. Having successfully managed and implemented numerous advocacy campaigns in communities throughout California and the U.S. DM Baker also has extensive experience with tech start-ups and the innovation community. DM Baker also has audio, video and commercial
Head office
Santa Barbara, CaliforniaServices
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