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Zebra Public Relations
New York, NY
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
How we began We are the recessionistas of 2008. We are MBAs, artists, philosophers and engineers who work to conserve budgets while producing high caliber events and public relations campaigns to secure placement for tv, film and print. We produce icons. Brands wanted. N02 Philosophy Zebra is a full service public relations boutique that serves companies and industry leaders in various stages of growth and personal development seeking to raise brand image to iconic status through the use of new and traditional media, innovation methodology, marketing strategy and communications as a means to execute that end. N03 Key Success Factors The Company's key success factors originate from the synergy between the core values it holds and that of the entity it represents, the breadth of international networks, global contractors, creative media capabilities, operational agility, language proficiency and business background--all of which serve as an asset to corporations and clients looking ho harness and i
Head office
New York, NYServices
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