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Smarts Communicate
Glasgow, United Kingdom
01 Jan 1989
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We’re Smarts Communicate, a PR and content agency. For over 20 years our insightful, tenacious team of strategic, fresh thinkers have operated from our Glasgow and Edinburgh offices. We tell stories to get people talking about brands, companies and issues in the right way. That’s why we offer strategic planning, media relations, content creation, digital, social, design and brand partnerships all under one roof. Clever strategy, sticky content, disruptive media engagement, whip-smart digital programmes and genuinely ‘social’ social media thinking are at the heart of what we do every day. We’re firm believers in the idea that PR has to ‘do something’. Make people notice you. Sell something. Build your reputation. Change behaviours.
Head office
Glasgow, United KingdomServices
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