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SpecOps Communications
01 Jan 2012
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
Based now in Austin, Texas, Adam Handelsman founded SpecOps Communication in September 2012 to address today’s evolving communications landscape with a unique set of strategic media & digital relations, social networking and content creation services. Today’s communications’ programs must utilize elite teams of highly skilled, adaptable and motivated operators who are all trained in multiple, yet complimentary, skill-sets. This new mentality is focused on implementing campaigns in a swift, nimble and highly proficient manner, all designed to produce results; not billable hours. We are called Special Operations Communicators. We work with Fortune 100 global corporations to start-ups, public companies to private companies, and organizations hailing from the consumer, B2B, IP, health, wellness, technology and CSR sectors. These companies are turning to SpecOps not only for creative and strategic thinking, but for the actual work required to execute! At SpecOps Communications, we are solely focused on listening t
Office United States
Head office
Austin, Texas, United StatesServices
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