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Tanner Friedman
01 Jan 2007
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Tanner Friedman is an innovative and imaginative communication resource. Proven experiences in journalism, broadcasting and public relations shape a results-driven approach to a profession we know well. Our commitment to new technologies, traditional platforms, along with relationships in newsrooms and among business leaders, also set us apart. We provide businesses, organizations, individuals and associations with relationships, resources and insights, using multiple platforms to deliver their messages, tell their stories and accomplish their objectives through strategic public and internal communications. Respected by clients and peers, we develop and coordinate comprehensive communication services in diverse business, professional and nonprofit areas. Versatile approaches use a full range of traditional and evolving delivery platforms for maximum impact. Messaging channels include print, broadcast and online information sources, bylined articles and columns, interviews, news conferences, brochures and mark
Office United States
Head office
Farmington, Michigan, United StatesServices
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