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Laer Pearce & Associates
01 Jan 1982
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Our mission is straightforward: To do important work for important clients. Our mantra is right for these times when complexity so often trumps understanding: Clutter in/Clarity out. Sifting through all the messages that might be, we find the gems, the powerhouses, the emotional calls to action, and use the vast media options at our fingertips to get them to – and into the minds of – our clients’ key publics. As one of Southern California’s most established public affairs and community outreach firms, we help our clients: Inform public opinion and effect change Navigate complex environmental and regulatory issues Encourage conservation and wise water use Build coalitions and counter opponents Minimize negative media exposure in crisis situations
Office United States
Head office
Laguna Hills, CA, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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