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Atlanta Cause Marketing & PR
01 Jan 1977
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Atlanta Cause Marketing & Public Relations (formerly Pearlman Associates Public Relations & Marketing) is a full-service about us messagescommunications and branding agency that helps its clients create and execute customized, end-to-end, cause-related marketing and public relations campaigns. We've been partnering for-profit enterprises with nonprofit organizations for mutual benefit for nearly 36 years. An Atlanta institution founded as Pearlman Associates in 1977, we've been getting our clients recognition in the media and their communities using cause marketing since the 1970s. We can successfully match companies of all sizes and from all over the US and the globe with organizations for which they have an affinity and a desire to support their particular mission or cause in Atlanta and beyond. Then, we help you leverage those relationships so they’re a win for you both and get you both recognized by your community and the media. Your network is the path to growing your networth as a business and we help y
Office United States
Head office
Decatur, GA, United StatesServices
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