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Paradigm Strategies
01 Jan 2000
Micro (2-9) Company
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Paradigm Strategies provides business advising to owners of small to mid-sized companies. We specialize in business consulting, growth planning, exit planning, digital marketing services, SMART Growth© advising, Half-Retirement© advising and business-focused workshops. Business Consulting. We are dedicated to helping small to mid-sized company become more successful by improving sales, profitability, productivity, cash flow and competitiveness. With an understanding that each business is unique, we take an individualized approach when counseling our clients. Growth Planning. An easy-to-follow and results-oriented growth plan that we create together then work side-by-side to implement it. Exit Planning. A comprehensive exit plan that we design together then we work together to make this transition happen. Digital Marketing. Services include marketing strategy and planning, web design, SEO optimization, social media management, paid and remarketing digital advertising, e-marketing, video creation and PR. SMART
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Marlborough, Massachusetts, United StatesServices
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