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Who we are: Established in 1998. BrandX gradually becomes the leading role in domestic and abroad marketing and creative industry. With internationalized standard and experience, our creative team comes up with outstanding and efficient marketing solutions.
We are equipped with talented creative, design, production, execution, technology, and branding employees.
What we do: Offer marketing solution for variety of realization including roadshow, store design, event. Serve luxury watch brands, high-end cosmetics, fashion, FMCG, etc. with one-stop service to minimize clients’ cost, improve quality and cost performance. Provide creative and engagement with bringing in VR, AR and hologram etc. new technology.
中嘉空间展示设计公司自1998年成立以来逐渐成为了国内外行销创意行业舞台上的主角。 中嘉创意团队拥有国际化的标准和经验,成长为业内提供杰出且实际推广品牌方案的翘楚 截止2018年, BRANDX海内外员工总人数已经超过300人,积累了为世界各地客户服务的丰富经验。 为全球范围内品牌客户提供路演、店装、活动、广告等创意行销解决方案,赢得了众多国际品牌的认可。服务于高端腕表延伸至高端化妆品、高端快消品等领域。 “一站式服务”大大降低客户沟通成本,提升工程质量与产品性价比。并引入VR、全息等技术,实现客户体系升级。
Office Beijing
Beijing, Beijing, Beijing, China