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Adams Unlimited
01 Jan 1985
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Adams Unlimited is an award-winning marketing communications firm founded in 1985, headquartered in New York City and specializing in the travel, tourism and related lifestyle industries. A small agency with the skills and experience to handle large clients, Adams Unlimited has worked for airlines, airports, world-wide trade associations, membership-driven organizations, Italy’s largest business hotel chain, and tourism destinations in Europe, Mexico and the Caribbean in addition to myriad independent hotels. Further to the essentials of traditional media relations, social media and publicity-generating activities, we have expertise in marketing research, strategic planning, brand development, media buying and trafficking, and direct mail marketing including geo-demographic and psychographic data segmentation. This gives us a broader perspective on PR and enables us to deliver vertically integrated programs that support overall marketing goals. Every client program we design is based on the culling and analys
Office United States
Head office
NEW YORK, NY, United StatesServices
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