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Meg Connolly Communications,
01 Jan 2006
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We reveal the bold ideas behind luxury products and properties, moving the conversation to a level that drives breakthrough results. Our work translates the artistic and cultural impact of our clients and authentically represents their uncompromising commitment to craftsmanship, beauty and service. Through MCC, our clients articulate their ideas in ways that engage and inspire action. We are counselors, advocates, confidantes and co-creators of our clients' success. We hold powerful advisory relationships with our clients and the network of founders, leaders, artists and media gatekeepers that drive the luxury lifestyle discourse. We create high impact multi-channel marketing campaigns via close, collaborative engagements. Our work creates transformational results. A successful partnership with us is deep, long-lasting and proves itself to be critical to the bottom-line results sought by owners and investors.
Office United States
Head office
New York, New York, United StatesServices
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