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NINICO Communications®
01 Jan 2011
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Founded in 2011 as a company that believes in the power of partnership, NINICO Communications® is an award-winning agency providing brand strategy, public relations and advertising solutions. For over a decade, the firm has created campaigns, developed messaging and served as publicist to some of California’s most storied brands and business leaders. A member of the American Advertising Federation, Public Relations Society of America, Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce and San Jose Chamber of Commerce, NINICO Communications® enjoys long-term relationships with clients who are willing to attain objectives with strategic counsel. The agency has been awarded by the Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts, Association of Marketing Communication Professionals and other respected industry associations. Proudly headquartered in San Jose, the agency opened its Los Angeles office in 2016 and celebrates both special cities through active community involvement. Both the Silicon Valley
Office United States
Head office
San Jose, CA, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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