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The Krakower Group
01 Jan 2015
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
The Krakower Group is a public relations company that puts the emphasis on ‘relations.’ We are equal parts respected publicist and consigliere for our clients - composers and executives within the film/TV/video game music industry. As publicists, we strategize outreach, run award season campaigns, plan and coordinate events. Our staff works in tandem with your team to build brand recognition, to maximize visibility for consumer-facing projects, and grow your career. The Krakower Group is the essential partner for marketing campaigns of film/TV/video game soundtrack releases and Broadway/musical theater recordings, offering online and traditional publicity, radio promotions, and social media marketing campaigns for record labels.
Office United States
Head office
Los Angeles, CA, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
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Public Relations Firms
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