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Harris & Smith Public Affairs
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
We provide consulting, planning, process facilitation and implementation of programs to support our clients’ business goals. We specialize in complex public communication about potentially controversial matters. Our areas of expertise include: environmental policy and remediation outreach; health care and public health; K-12 education; and communication between government and non-governmental entities. We provide strategic planning, media relations, facilitation of public processes, crisis communications, creation of written, audio and video materials and specialized event planning. We work with both public and private sector clients. Our unique client list includes Fortune 100 companies, regional businesses, small local non-profits, state agencies, local school districts, statewide associations and ad hoc coalitions. They give us broad understanding of the interests and concerns that influence public opinion. We are a team of consultants, not a big full-service agency. Our consultants work directly with our
Office United States
Head office
Mercer Island, WA, United StatesServices
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