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The Honig Company
01 Jan 2004
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
The Honig Company, LLC is a full-service publicity, public relations and issue management agency that represents clients in a variety of industries. The agency works with companies, organizations, high-profile individuals and others to advance their interests, manage communication-related matters, promote products and services, handle issues and mitigate problems. The Honig Company works with clients around the world from its offices in Los Angeles and New York. With a focus on achieving specific objectives, The Honig Company helps clients increase their appeal to consumer and business audiences and accomplish goals such as driving sales of products and services, increasing market-share, building investor interest and generally raising awareness of companies, individuals, products and services. The Honig Company also provides communication support for clients experiencing crises or involved in sensitive issues, litigation and controversies. The Honig Company was founded in 2004 by veteran public relations
Office United States
Head office
Burbank, CA, United StatesServices
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Public Relations
votes: 0
Public Relations Firms
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Above average
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