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Perini & Associates
01 Jan 2009
Small (10-49) Company
Looking for business partners
Perini & Associates provides world class counsel based on years of experience, satisfied clients and innovative approaches that produces results you can count on. We know it is a tough time but now more than ever there is a need to manage conversations and we have a lot to offer to help you reach new levels. The recession coupled with falling readership of traditional media, the rise of online resources and the emergence of digital networks has led to dramatic changes in the PR industry. Perini & Associates is a new breed of consultancy that understands how to achieve your goals in this new and exciting world. We walk the talk and are comfortable with what lies ahead; let us guide you. -- start ups, non-profits, growing businesses, government, event planners and issue advocates! You can find us in Dun & Bradstreet and the System Award Management at
Office United States
Head office
Woodland Park, CO, United StatesServices
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Public Relations Firms
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