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Simply Social Media
01 Jan 2008
Micro (2-9) Company
Looking for business partners
One of the modern-day challenges business owners are faced with is growing and maintaining a Web presence, and social media is a powerful means to do so. In fact, it’s a necessity if you want to compete in the marketplace today. In speaking with business owners, they share the same concern: there are just not enough hours in the day to learn, much less execute, what is needed to develop the social media component of their brand. Simply Social Media offers real-world business and marketing knowledge coupled with advanced social media knowledge. This unique blend allows us to help you create a strong online presence you desire. We pride ourselves on working with our clients in the fashion they most prefer. From providing you with training or a written social strategy for you to implement yourself, to working alongside you in a coaching or consulting capacity, to completely handling your social media for you, we easily adapt our services and how we work to fit your unique needs. We’re here to answer all your que
Office United States
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Northville, MI, United StatesServices
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